Feasting & Fasting – Tips for Surviving the Holiday Season

For those of us who are health conscious, navigating the holiday festivities is a bit treacherous. But it doesn’t have to be this way, because when you optimize

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Taking Control of YOUR Health, Avoiding Chronic Disease and Living Strong with Dr. Cathy

OFM: The new model of normal for the busy professionalI sat down this week with Dr Cathy after her recent Ironman finish for a conversation on Metabolic Health.

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Don’t Let Bonking & GI Issues Thwart Your Performance Goals

Bonking and GI Distress are not NormalA lot of athletes seem to think that bonking and GI issues are a “normal” part of endurance racing.  This is not

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Metabolic Capacity – A Springboard In Your Journey to Higher Health and Peak Performance

The term Metabolic Capacity is not a catch-phrase I just thought of, however it has been an evolving concept over several years. It’s origins come from reading scientific

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Developing Metabolic Capacity is the Key to Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic Flexibility is a term that is being tossed around a LOT these days. It’s trendy right now as people try to wrap their heads around using fat

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Today’s Healthcare…is this how YOU guide yourself to higher health & peak performance?

Recently I posted a vlog about how competition has been our real world lab to find the keys to higher health and performance. While competition is deeply rooted

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Real World Metabolic Health – Science versus Academia

The Science Experts have often dismissed VESPA and/or OFM because of a lack of peer-reviewed publications. These same experts often cite 'the science' using or discussing peer-reviewed literature

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Balancing Metrics With Biology To Reach Your Peak Health & Performance

Today I’d like to myth-bust this idea that achieving optimal health has to be a precision endeavor. We rely on precision in our everyday lives.  However, when it

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Emerging from the Shadows and into the Light in 2022

This is what I call running in the light and shadows of the trail. Something Ansel Adams spoke about climate quite vividly portrayed in his photographs that nature

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Xmas Message – The Gift of Metabolic Health

I just want to take a few minutes to thank you for the Gift of supporting our quest to change the paradigm of health & performance. Whether you

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