OFM's focus on optimizing core metabolic & physiological function will give your team the winning edge in performance and execution. 

OFM's Team Guides Your Team To Achieve 

"Higher Health & Peak Performance" 

Our specialty is in building metabolic capacity. This discipline has been honed at the outer edges of Human Performance because, by definition, innovation occurs outside of conventional norms.  In doing so, we take what we learn and translate these into proven real world strategies and protocols to build metabolic capacity for immediate and long term demands. This will help your team to:

  • Reach optimal performance without sacrificing health.
  • Maintain Steady High Level Energy, Strength and Stamina throughout a competition
  • Maintain Greater Mental Clarity, Focus, Fine Motor Skills and Coordination
  • Prevent & Reduce Injuries
  • Exponentially Reduce Recovery Times by preventing cellular/mitochondrial damage

Why work with us

improve endurance, strength & stamina

The key to winning is endurance and stamina to draw upon at those critical moments to outperform your competition. This means having physical reserves for those bursts of energy in conjunction with alert, aware, intuitive, and immediate mental faculties to predict, evaluate, decide and execute with precision. 

Our program is forged through achieving real world results at the outer edges of human ultra-endurance like this personal and team victory by OFM Athlete, Jon Olsen, at the 2013 IAU 24 Hour World Championship. 

This is accomplished by optimizing fat metabolism to build metabolic capacity. OFM fundamentally changes the paradigm so you have a deep well of reserve capacity no matter the sport or mission your Team is endeavoring to dominate. 

Enhance critical analysis, decision making, execution & coordination 

OFM yields 'Blood Sugar Stability'. Whether you are in competition, or training hard being 'Blood Sugar Stable' gives you and your team the emotional stability and executive mental function to work together as a cohesive team focused on the mission, execution and outcomes.  

Blood Sugar Stability maintains the coordination and fine motor skills required for your Team to execute the demands of precision physical activities where the outcomes make the difference between winning and losing.

OFM helps teams with injury prevention
OFM Works With Teams To Enhance Decision Making Ability and Mental Clarity
Eliminate chronic Disease development & reduce injury

Building your metabolic capacity has an upward 'cascade' effect. When you are metabolically fit, all of the performance benefits have profound health benefits. 

Metabolic health and building metabolic capacity prevents injury. Your cells are more robust which is reflected in the robustness of the tissues they make up.

The mental focus and retention of fine motor skills/coordination by being 'Blood Sugar Stable' create an environment where bad decisions and bad moves which lead to acute injury are minimized. 

accelerated recovery through damage prevention

Whether physical, mental or combined one of the biggest benefits of OFM is the recovery. By focusing on cellular health at the metabolic level OFM completely changes the paradigm of recovery from strenuous or long duration activity by preventing the damage caused by excessive glucose metabolism; the oxidative stress, glycation and lactate load. This is what produces the muscle soreness and mental fatigue. 

Not only will your Team rebound faster but this fundamental paradigm shift moves the needle from recovery to adaptation to accelerate the cellular robustness to be stronger, fitter, faster and mentally agile.

individualized & real world results oriented

Whether it is the individual, the Team or Team mission, OFM fully understands the crucial value of individualized solutions. From its inception supporting Vespa athletes, OFM has been built one athlete at a time 

Not only will your Team rebound faster but this fundamental paradigm shift moves the needle from recovery to adaptation to accelerate the cellular robustness to be stronger, fitter, faster and mentally agile.

The Team Helping Your Team Reach Peak Metabolic Health and Performance

Our Medical Advisory Team

Our advisory committee is composed of clinicians and researchers who not only 'get it' about our work at OFM but are also living it in their daily lives and athletic pursuits.

Our Coaching Team

Our core Coaching staff are people committed to the OFM approach to performance, fitness and a new paradigm of health. 

Our Success Stories

Helpful Resources

Metabolic Health Articles

Free Resources


The Ultimate Bonk Free Fueling Strategy

Guide to eliminating bonking, gi distress and long recovery


Conquering The Terrible 3

Bonking  /  GI Issues  /  Recovery


The Ultimate Multisport Fueling & Hydration Guide


Beyond Keto

Taking Your Keto To The Next Level
