Category Archives for "Carb Loading"

The best diet for performance and health - Keto or High Carb?

The best diet for performance and health – Keto or High Carb?

Confused and frustrated with dietary advice to fuel your athletic pursuits? . . . the ‘information age’ is drowning us with binary thinking. The conventional High-Carb camp states you need massive amounts of carbohydrates to perform well, while, on the other end of the spectrum, the Keto camp espouses the health and performance benefits of […]

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Are you using this legal PED (Performance Enhancing Drug)?

It seems like not a week goes by without a scandal in sport about Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s). It seems like performance enhancing drugs have permeated sport from the high stakes team sports to even small niche sports like ultra-running.   It is a part of this “win at all costs” psyche that will drive […]

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OFM: The Alternative to Keto vs Carbs

There is no one size fits all when it comes to reaching your highest performance potential. OFM (optimized fat metabolism)  is an individualized pathway to get you back to burning fat as your aerobic energy source.Why is this important? Because, what OFM athletes experience is not only improved performance but less damage! This results in feeling […]

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Carb Wars with Judy Baker

The topic of Carb Loading and using concentrated carbohydrates for energy can be a controversial issue. OFM is not only for athletic performance, many of our customers use it for health and well-being. Today’s conversation with artist  Judy Baker is a very personal and poignant one on the literally life-saving benefits of carbohydrate restriction. Judy’s […]

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