[Article] Demystifying Vitamin D - Essentials you need to know

Demystifying Vitamin D – Essentials you need to know

With Summer upon us I’d like to talk about Vitamin D, the ”sunshine Vitamin” . One of the emerging insights of COVID-19 is the inverse correlation between Vitamin D and outcomes of COVID-19.  The higher the Vitamin D the better the outcome, the lower the Vitamin D the worse the outcome. This airtight inverse relationship […]

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Cardiovascular conditioning is essential for the Fat Adapted Athlete

Cardiovascular Conditioning is a foundational piece in optimizing your fat metabolism. . . So, in today’s video, I’m going to share the ‘whys’ of cardio for those seminal ‘ahh, hah!’ moments you need to recognize just how crucial developing your cardiovascular potential is for health and performance.Now, if you are an endurance athlete, I don’t […]

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[Article] - Your Genetic Potential - the way forward through CoVid

Your Genetic Potential – the way forward through CoVid

Today I want to start by sharing a personal thought . . . and kind of ironic. I keep telling myself it’s time to quit these COVID-19 related videos. Honestly, I am not comfortable doing them and personally I am SO over the COVID-19 drama which this situation has devolved to. ….You probably feel the […]

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What can we do to be a Healthier Herd?

As you know I’ve been discussing  that we need to find a way forward and taking a lot of flak for it. Ironically, about a week ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) all but admitted containment is not an option and holding out for a vaccine, if one is developed, is not in the cards […]

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[VLOG] How Murder Hornets can save you from bonking

“I thought Vespa was a Gimmick…”

So if you have seen the news on the ‘Murder Hornets’ or watched my video taking about how we extract the peptide responsible for powering these Badasses of the Insect world to put into every pouch of VESPA you are probably thinking, ‘Yeah, this has to be a gimmick, right?’Well check out this tribute from […]

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[VLOG] How Murder Hornets can save you from bonking

How Murder Hornets can save you from bonking

In spite of the hyper focus on COVID-19 the ‘Murder Hornets’ have made the headlines on all the major news outlets like the N​Y Times and ABC News and are trending on social media. The stories extoll their power and lethal nature. They can kill a human, hunt rodents and insects many times their size […]

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