Carb Wars – Redefining Carbohydrate Fueling

In this presentation we delve deep into the debate between the high carbohydrate performance group and the Keto/Low carb group, aiming to find a balance between performance and

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“I thought Vespa was a Gimmick…”

So if you have seen the news on the ‘Murder Hornets’ or watched my video taking about how we extract the peptide responsible for powering these Badasses of

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How Murder Hornets can save you from bonking

In spite of the hyper focus on COVID-19 the ‘Murder Hornets’ have made the headlines on all the major news outlets like the N​Y Times and ABC News

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What is Fat Adaptation?

This is a question I get asked a lot, and, of course, there are a lot of online “gurus” claiming to understand Fat Adaptation who have magically appeared

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How Jeff Pierce reversed the aging clock and reached peak health in his 60’s

I wanted to share this story with you because unlike miracle "reverse aging" products, this is a real life case study about how proper sports nutrition can overcome

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A Genuine ‘Paradigm-Shift’ in Sports Nutrition

‘Paradigm-shift’ is a term used a lot today to launch ‘new’ products, especially when it somes to athletic performance and sports nutrition. It’s catchy and gets our attention.

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OFM and the Mitochondria Performance Advantage

Mitochondria are literally your cell’s energy powerhouse. This is where ATP is produced. On a cellular level, the more your cells contain, the larger they are, the more

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Beth- 53 – amazing performance story powered by OFM and Vespa

This story shows how age and disability are no barrier to peak performance and health.The power of a Mother's Love for her child with a little help from

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