The First Step To Optimizing Your Fat Metabolism

January is a time of new beginnings and change. And with the past 2 years who isn’t ready for real change? So in today’s vlog, I want to

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Fat Adaptation – your competitive advantage in extreme temperatures

Shooting this video from Death Valley just before this year’s Badwater 135, and it motivated me to talk about how “going to the extremes” has helped us unlock

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GI Distress – Do you REALLY need ALL those external calories?

When you sit down to enjoy a meal (and I mean really ENJOY a meal) whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, are you going to do a lot

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Less is MORE – Are You “Over Fueling”

One of my consistent observations in working with athletes of all ages, abilities and endeavors is this: 'Less is MORE' . . . it never ceases to amaze

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Vespa Voodoo: A Natural Catalyst for performance & metabolic freedom

If you are new to VESPA I’d like to articulate what you might be thinking; “Vespa seems like Voodoo…..wasp extract, eww, …”  A friend gave me his honest

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Eliminating the Marathon Wall with OFM

Today, I’d like to bust through the Marathon Wall Myth.If you are watching this as an OFM Fat Adapted Athlete, you already know this wall disappears through fat

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Your answer to peak health & performance lies in the ‘Murky Middle’

I want to start myth busting by breaking through the binary thinking that is pervasive in today’s culture. Once again, we’ve been ‘Sold & Told’ soundbites of information

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Experience Metabolic Freedom with Vespa, the 6th Paradigm Shift of OFM

In my last vlog I revisited the 5 paradigm shifts within OFM to help you understand the enormity of the paradigm shift OFM represents. However, I intentionally left

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The 5 Paradigm-shifts of Fat Adaptation (OFM)

In my last vlog I examined various perspectives of a paradigm shift. This was to offer the necessary foundation to really consider today’s vlog on a personal and

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Why do we always focus on “Diet”

In today’s world we are being hit with lots of studies and facts, I call it “soundbite science” OR “soundbite news”.  The problem is when you look at

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