One of the biggest misconceptions about Vespa is it has to be combined with a specific low carbohydrate, keto, paleo or OFM diet.

This is patently wrong! You don’t have to change a thing to benefit from Vespa. In fact, several athletes who use Vespa follow a conventional high carb diet, BUT they have found when they use Vespa they need far fewer calories, perform better and recover faster (due to damage prevention).

Many of our athletes actually started using Vespa on a conventional high carb diet, got results, then they came to us to further ENHANCE their performance.  This is when we introduced them to the OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) program I developed to support Vespa users. 

Use Vespa as a way to ‘Jump Start’ your Fat Metabolism without having to make any other changes, and that change will result in: 

  • Better Performance

  • Stable Energy Levels

  • No Mental Fog

  • Reduced need for consuming calories during exercise 

  • Little to no soreness & faster recovery because you prevent damage

If you are doing your sport to improve performance & health then Optimizing Fat Metabolism is crucial to excel in all aspects of life.

Using Vespa is easy. There is no frontloading period, just take a Vespa 30-45 mins before starting exercise.  If you are doing anything as an endurance athlete, then take one every 1.5-2.5 hrs.

So, give Vespa a go. Make a big change without having to change anything and get a taste of what tapping into your limitless energy can do for your health and performance. 

Want to try Vespa?  Check out our sample pack and get started

If you want some 1 to 1 guidance and coaching, check out how our highly training coaching staff can help.

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight