The Road to the Ironman World Championships: A 4-Time Participant’s Proven Formula for Success

Marty Smith is heading to Nice soon to compete at the IronMan World Championships  in the 65-69 Age Group. This is not her first rodeo. Marty has participated

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Diane Turned Back the Clock to Keep Performing at 66 Years Old

Diane Cridennda's journey in endurance sports, particularly in half Ironman competitions, is a remarkable tale of overcoming health challenges and optimizing athletic performance through nutritional strategies. At 66,

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GI Issues: Leading Cause of DNF for 25% of Iron Man Participants

OFM Coach Mike McKovich brought up an interesting piece of data in our conversation the other day which got my attention.   Now while I know full well that GI

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The New Normal – IronMan Metabolic Health

Your daily life is your event. This is why optimal Metabolic Health is SO important and crucial to you. Whether you are at work, home, working out, or

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Get “MOVING” on your Metabolic Health

In my conversation with Dr. Cathy after her finishing an IronMan Triathlon we discuss how metabolic health lies at the core or true health. This is the way

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Dr. Lori Gerber DO interview with Peter Defty on Voice America Health & Wellness Live Radio Show

On April 14, 2021 Dr. Lori Gerber DO interviewed VESPA GM & OFM Pioneer on the optimizing fat metabolism and VESPA and their implications for health, performance and

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The Power of Love (with some help from Vespa & OFM): Beth James, Mother, Wife, Small Business Owner, First Mother/Daughter PC Team to complete an IM

It's only fitting we launch this episode on Valentine's Day! The power of a Mother's Love for her child with a little help from Vespa and it's OFM

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