Running The Spine: Peter Mortimer’s OFM Approach for a Podium Finish in spite of Jet Lag

In this podcast episode, long-time OFM Athlete, Peter Mortimer, is welcomed as a guest to share his insights . Although not a professional ultrarunner, Peter competes at a

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Podcast – Work, Life, and Ultra-running: How Jesse Haynes Masters the Balance

In today’s podcast, our guest, Jesse Haynes, shares his remarkable Life  journey of balancing his career as a construction project manager, husband and ultramarathon trail runner at the

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Podcast – Did My First 100 Miler Fasted and With 1000 Calories – Dr. Cathy

In this podcast, Peter interviews Dr. Cathy Buletza, an intensivist (ICU Physician) and trauma surgeon who recently completed her first 100-mile race. This episode is a debrief of

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Podcast – Round table discussion with Peter Defty, Jeff Browning and Peter Mortimer on all things OFM

Subscribe to the Podcast Now!Listen onPodbeanA few days before the iconic Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run I had the opportunity to record a round table discussion on

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Masterclass: Discovering Metabolic Health with Dr Cathy

Dr. Cathy, lives at the pointy end of acute medical care as an ICU Physician, ICU Director and also a Trauma Surgeon. Growing up and currently working in

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