The current situation has dramatically impacted everyone. These kinds of events can be harnessed to make REAL & permanent changes to benefit us in the long run if we adopt this mindset. So let’s get started and double down. 

Knowing almost everyone is financially impacted by COVID-19, today I am going to discuss real and actionable strategies you can implement that will result in big savings.

These strategies have been part of the OFM protocols for years and so many athletes I have worked with comment on how much money they save . . . even with the cost of Vespa factored in! Not only are you going to save a lot of money but it will be easy and enjoyable. 

  • Make is doable in the context of YOUR life. If it’s not doable you aren’t going to do it in the long run. 

  • Make things easy & efficient for you. Shop your local supermarket or the one you pass going to and from work (that is when you are in your normal work routine) for 80% of your grocery needs. Most of us are time crunched and don’t need the stress of driving across town. Your time is valuable. 

  • Don’t get caught up in dietary perfection and the online marketing hype that you have to have a specific organic, free-range, grass-fed, and the ‘FREE’s” : Pesticide-free, hormone-free, gluten-free, soy-free, gmo-free

There is way too much fear-based marketing in premium foods marketing. It is subtle & nuanced and that fear sells. It sells for a premium!

 This is about the basics and a lot of the concepts I cover you may have already heard . Things like: 

  • Shop the Produce, Fresh Meat/Poultry/Fish, Eggs & Dairy Sections

  • “Whole Animal Eating”  or “Nose to Tail”. Organ Meats are a nutritional bargain. Doing so will dramatically reduce the total amount of animal foods dramatically. 

  • Avoid/Limit processed high carbohydrate foods.. These will make you eat more so you’ll spend more. 

Now let’s refine this….

  • Shop around the weekly ad ‘Loss Leaders’ and be disciplined. Fresh meat/poultry/fish, produce in season, eggs and dairy are used as ‘Loss Leaders’. This perfectly matches up if you are fat adapted and makes things easy, inexpensive and superbly nutritious. 

  • Fresh or fresh frozen organ meats like liver, heart, and tripe generally are dirt cheap and a giveaway considering their nutritional content. Processed organ meats like liverwurst braunschweiger and Mexican chorizo are all also a great value. 

  • Focusing on achieving Nutritional Balance in the diet minimizes both calories and supplement consumption.

Here is one example of many of how you can stretch your budget a LONG ways!....

The $5 COSTCO Rotissierre Chicken showcases the ‘Loss Leader’ strategy retailers use to get people into their stores and parting with their hard earned dollars.COSTCO has it down:  a big, plump perfectly roasted chicken for only $5. . . . but, it’s at the back of the store and the routing forces a consumer to walk a big U of all sorts of ‘deals’ in adjacent aisle. Through awareness of this strategy YOU can truly save instead of spending $300 to ‘save’ $50 by buying stuff you don’t need. 

  • Make a concerted plan to do a COSTCO run….do you need to gas up? What items do you REALLY need? Make that list before you go and stick to it. If something catches your eye during the run note it down including why and wait until next time. Chance are you won’t need it. 

  • Grab a chicken, vegetable to steam/cook for dinner, and a bottle of avocado oil mayo. Get what is on your list. Get out

  • Steam or steam your vegetables. Serve with chicken for lunch / dinner

  • Post meal strip the chicken of meat. 

  • Throw stripped carcase into a stockpot and make broth. 

  • Use the meat you stripped from the carcass for chicken soup or to make chicken salad with the mayo you grabbed. 

This is one of several ways you can stretch your dollars a long ways during these times. As you do this you will be developing habits which will save you a ton of money in the long haul without sacrificing a thing.

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight