We keep hearing the term “New Normal” being bantered about, and yet, nothing is normal. You actually know this intuitively. The problem is most of us are accepting the current situation as the new normal, one where uncertainty and fear are the perceived norm. By accepting this as normal, we are “Sold, Told and Controlled”, but is this what you really want?

My approach to the current narrative

It’s important to know I am a bit of a throwback; part Neanderthal and part Boomer who doesn’t ‘get it’ rather than a conspiracy theorist. I’m the grownup version of the kid that keeps asking questions. I am also a Tech Luddite. To me, Instagram is a black box and TikTok is to Facebook as crack is to cocaine. I don’t have the answers to the current political climate, climate change, cancel culture or Fox News and mainstream media. This is how little I know about the modern world, however, what I do possess is an ability to think outside the box when it comes to your health, aging and performance.

In this article, I have something important to offer YOU in regards to the ‘new normal’ pertaining to health. What I offer are thoughts and insights from my pioneering work in optimizing fat metabolism for athletic performance, because what we have learned at the bleeding edge of this disruptive technology has implications for YOUR health, especially now. 

The New “New Normal” Comes From Within

So, today I’d like to seed your thoughts with another “New Normal” I see possible for you; one that is in another universe,far away from the current and past normals we have allowed ourselves to descend into. A universe where one can thrive no matter their age. 

This is a universe where you are 

  • free from counting calories or calculating macros, 

  • not checking your Garmin every ten seconds, 

  • free from feeling you are lacking or left wondering where your food came from. 

These are externalities. YOUR power comes from within. It is YOUR individual universe. There is no superfood, magic pill or technology which can do what getting your metabolism and physiology back to the one nature bestowed upon you can do to give you the robust health and performance you have locked within. You have been robbed of this, and there is no better time than now to take it back. 

What I am talking about is a universe where you are empowered to have the choice, control and motivation to be the best version of yourself without being tethered to a program or device, where you are free from stress so you can be free to LIVE!

The Key to Your Metabolic Empowerment

You are meant to burn fat as your aerobic energy source, and by making the optimization of fat metabolism the focus instead of the external tools of diet, exercise, supplementation, technology, etc, you can live and experience your potential in what we call Metabolic Freedom. 

If you are interested you can start by, you have some options to get started with: 

  • Taking a look at our OFM Heroes and what they have to say.

  • Inform yourself by checking out other vlogs or download these science based, value packed content pieces I wrote Here & Here.

  • Book a ‘Get Acquainted Call’ with one of our Coaches to get some personalized orientation.

  • Grab a 12 pack of Vespa, a natural catalyst to enhance fat metabolism, so you can experience what optimized fat metabolism (OFM) is all about.

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight