Fueling is undeniably essential in any sport. While the buzz around new fueling methods, including the practices of professional athletes and apps that dictate timing and quantities, has grown, there's a significant aspect of fueling that's been overlooked. This crucial element is a glaring omission in the current conversation.

Should You Do What The Pro's Are Doing?

With all this talk about how Pro’s are consuming 90-140 grams per hour of carbs,  training your gut to be able to digest more calories during exercise, or how the latest formulations of liquid calories and/or hydrogels allow you to get those calories, there is ZERO conversation on your foundational physiology and the absolutely critical role it plays in your health and performance .

What has been left out of the conversation are these facts:

  1. Your body should be the source of most of your calories
  2. You have virtually unlimited onboard calories
  3. External calories are for performance and not to prevent bonking. If you are bonking or are dependent upon carbs to exercise you’ve got some metabolic homework to do . . .it’s simply too much sugar because your metabolic foundation has been hijacked.

These and other complex internal pathways to fueling are left out of the conversation because there’s nothing to sell. They are already available to you. Not only is your native foundational physiology not talked about,  it has been hijacked by the modern approach to sports nutrition which makes you dependent upon those external calories. This dependence is what leverages all those ad dollars and gets you to click the ‘buy’ button for the latest fueling product whether it is carbs or ketones. 

The Foundation To Your Fueling

Think of you and your foundational physiology and metabolism as you would for the foundation of your house - you don’t ‘see’ the foundation but you certainly want a solid foundation and base to build upon. If you build on a poor foundation, even the best construction will come tumbling down.

Most likely, your fueling foundation has been altered to be dependent upon external fueling, which is precisely why you need to get your metabolic house in order at the foundational level. This is where the conversation on nutrition and fueling should start.

In fact, we’ve pioneered metabolic performance. Working with our athlete collaborators, our Team has developed both real world winning results along with data to support the fact that fat metabolism plays a much larger role in performance fueling than previously believed. A role that changed the entire fueling paradigm. 

And while we offer products like Vespa and programs like the Metabolic Reset to help you regain your foundational physiology we also offer a ton of FREE information, insightful content & podcasts and even the opportunity to try VESPA for FREE if you are a first time user. 

But don’t take my word for it. Ask anyone who has restored their health & performance by using OFM and VESPA to take back their foundational physiology and achieve a sustainable state of “Higher Health And Peak Performance”. 

So, step back from the fueling hype and do your homework with the links provided to take back the foundational physiology Nature bestowed upon us all, the one that burns fat as fuel. Then you will realize that, in all this talk about fueling, YOU are the ONE critical element missing from the fueling equation. This is where we can help factor YOU back into the equation with the products, programs and even individual consultations so you can reach your potential.

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight