“It’s like it NEVER happened. . .” - Bryant Lind, Vespa user on the novel use of Vespa to prevent a hangover. 

This is a direct quote from Bryant on using Vespa after an evening of alcoholic libations. Normally Bryant would wake up dehydrated and with a hangover but not anymore!

With New Year’s approaching and in anticipation of celebrating on New Year’s eve it is important to celebrate to ring in the new year if you want to! If this includes having a few drinks or even more than a few drinks do so responsibly. If you need to designate a driver, setup  a Taxi/Uber/Lyft, sleepover where you celebrate...in other words do what you need to do to keep yourself and others safe but do ENJOY yourself fully!

Here is the really GREAT news:

  1. Optimizing your fat metabolism is a huge benefit to helping your liver process alcohol. Your body is going to be much more sensitive to alcohol so you are going to ‘feel’ the effects sooner and on less as well as be more sensitive to the effects, both ‘good’ & ‘bad’.  

  2. Like Bryant, if you take a pouch of Vespa CV-25 or Ultra-Concentrate with a glass of water after drinking and before you retire you will feel SO much better in the morning . . . “like it never happened”!

So allow yourself the freedom to celebrate with gusto so you can go into the new year with gusto to tackle your training, profession, family and life so you can achieve your performance potential on all levels. 

On behalf of the Team at Vespa & OFM we wish you ‘All the Best’ in 2020 and look forward to serving you! 

Thank you!

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