Our podcast conversation lead down a lot of rabbit holes which lead to insights you won’t find in the conventional scripted conversations of popular health and performance influencers. Insights you can actually apply in daily life to achieve your health and performance goals

In my recent podcast conversation with Frank Llosa of KetoneAid we got on the topic of the “Ketone” Alcohols which are disingenuously being marketed as ‘ketones’. In that conversation Frank posited that there have been scattered reports of product efficacy…ketone alcohols seem to work in some people better than others for performance.

Here are some insights:

  • Metabolic Fitness and Fuel Sources: Discussion on how metabolically fit individuals can utilize alcohol and fructose effectively as fuel sources due to their liver's ability to convert these into liver fat and then into ketones and glucose.
  • Alcohol Dehydrogenase Enzyme: Insight into how metabolically fit individuals with a more active alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme may benefit from alcohol in their diet, as the enzyme expedites the conversion process.
  • Anecdotal Evidence: Peter offers the ‘why’ certain athletes actually thrive on moderate intakes of alcohol and fructose when metabolically fit. 
  • Fructose and Fatty Liver Disease: The real reason why high fructose and alcohol consumption leads to fatty liver disease: Impaired Metabolic Fitness and overconsumption of calories. 

The insights from this and other OFM podcast conversations offer valuable insights to understand not only why Metabolic Health matters but why it is YOUR foundation to build upon using the tools of diet, fueling, training, etc.

Most of all it is FREE because YOU already own it and it is your personal set of metabolic codes.

While these codes that turn on or off certain metabolic pathways are known, the specific set of codes to unlock your potential is unique to every individual. As we shown in this podcast clip even the villains of alcohol and fructose have a positive role to play when you are metabolically fit, while when you are not metabolically fit, they lead to disease.

Our 24 years of experience and the insights derived offer you a fast track to unlocking your personal set of codes to metabolic health and performance through:

  • Our programs and content offer real world pathways that are not only doable in the context of your life but sustainable habits you will retain over the long haul.

  • Our principal product, VESPA, helps to jumpstart and support your metabolism with a naturally occurring peptide that acts as a metabolic catalyst for fat metabolism, the energy source you are meant to harness for most of your aerobic metabolism.

  • Our one on one Metabolic Health & performance consulting works with your Coach and you to fast track your journey to metabolic health through our vast experience derived from working with hundreds of athletes in successfully navigating their individual journeys. .

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight