Fueling and nutrition are crucial elements of an athlete’s training, competition and recovery..And while the traditional sports nutrition advice emphasizes the importance of carbohydrates for energy what they don’t tell you is all those carbs boil down to sugar (glucose). . . a LOT of sugar. Try 150 pounds of sugar in the 6 months leading up to an IronMan or 100 Mile Ultra.

Just Do the Math

The calculations make this evident. For those preparing for extreme endurance events like an Ironman or a 100-mile ultramarathon, the advised carbohydrate consumption could amount to 155 pounds of sugar over a six-month training period. 

This figure slightly reduces to 130 pounds for athletes aiming for a Half IronMan or marathon, but the point I am driving home here is the same; a LOT of sugar. That is a lot of Truth.

And you know too much sugar is not a good thing, especially when you consider you are essentially consuming your body weight in sugar over six months. While it might bolster short-term performance, the long-term implications cannot be ignored. It is not a question of ‘if’ you are going to have a problem but ‘when’ and ‘what form’. 

The Long Term Effects of Sugar Consumption

Short term, athletes often face energy swings resulting in bonking, GI issues that lead to unplanned and immediate bathroom stops and vomiting and post competition swelling, fluid retention, edema and pain that take weeks to recover from.. In fact, these challenges are so common they are simply considered as normal in endurance sports. They are NOT normal and completely avoidable. What these challenges are are the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ of long term health and metabolic challenges commonly seen in the population.

Bonking and GI issues are the reason 27% of IronMan participants DNF, and why a further large percentage finish but with great difficulty.

Long term, consuming all that sugar is directly linked to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer. This is now well established in the scientific literature and, thus, the reason why so many athletes stop doing what they love at an early age because of the toll on their bodies.

A Better Way Forward

There's a quiet revolution brewing in sports nutrition. One that gets you back to using the limitless onboard fuel Nature intended you to burn; fat. That revolution, led by Vespa, has dedicated the past 23 years to refining athlete fueling strategies naturally. Vespa's approach significantly reduces sugar intake without resorting to extreme dietary restrictions like low-carb or keto diets. By cutting out 50 to 100 pounds of unnecessary sugar, athletes not only have cut our a ton of sugar but still have plenty left over for “Strategic Carbohydrates” for that performance push. 

What is Vespa?

Vespa is a food based beverage containing a naturally occurring peptide derived from the Asian Giant Hornet, you might may have heard of them as the “Murder Hornets”.   This metabolic catalyst enhances fat metabolism thus unlocking the vast energy reserves of body fat. 

Instead of  bonking and GI issues you’ll experience sustained energy, improved gastrointestinal health, and quicker recovery.

Disruptive Innovation and Real-World Success

Because Vespa and it’s ‘fat as fuel’ approach are unconventional, skepticism abounds, with the experts dismissing Vespa out of hand. Yet, the proof is in the pudding—or, in this case, athlete performance and the real world of competition. 

Those who have integrated Vespa into their regimen not only report eliminating the energy crashes, gastrointestinal issues and slow recovery but such significant increases in their performance that they feel as if they are decades younger. This includes many athletes setting personal records, getting on the podium in their age group and even winning their age group. Some of our elite level athletes are actually on the overall podium and even winning in their 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s!

Vespa is so natural it is classified by the FDA as a food-based beverage and not a dietary supplement. And, because Vespa is a metabolic catalyst instead of a source of calories, Vespa is low calorie, low sugar, easy to use and compatible with all external calories . . . you simply won’t need to fuel with nearly as many calories or you can just exercise or compete on Vespa alone for up to 2 hours. For multi-hour activities we recommend:

  1. A Vespa 30 minutes prior to starting physical activity.

  2. A Vespa every 2-2.5 hours for multi-hour activities.

  3. Cutting your normal fueling back by 50% as a starting point in recalibrating your fueling.

Embarking on a Healthier Path

A big part of the reason you exercise is your health and  using Vespa offers a solution for athletes who recognize the need to cut down their sugar intake without sacrificing performance. 

But the only way to really understand the value of Vespa is to experience it. And, to help make this happen, we have a couple of options for newbies:

Now you know the metabolic Truth of the conventional approach to diet and sports nutrition . . . it is a LOT of sugar and you know a lot of sugar is not good for you. 

Our commitment is to your health and performance. The two go hand in hand and Vespa extends that commitment through it’s OFM program which offers a number of resources to support your journey to “Higher Health & Peak Performance”.

Sugar via Carbs has dominated the sports nutrition narrative and this domination has resulted in the ‘unintended consequences’ of bonking and GI issues for most people over time because it is simply too much sugar. Carbs and sugars do play a role, just not a 150 or 130 pound one, and Vespa offers that first step solution without sacrificing your performance.

Get Your Metabolic Health Back To It's Natural State

  • Feel Younger
  • Perform Better
  • Reverse Chronic Conditions
  • Reach Peak Health 
  • Reach Your Natural Weight