For the past three or four years I’ve gone out to pace runners who are sitting on the bubble to make the 30 Hour Cutoff at the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run (WS). This is called the “Golden Hour” of the race and, if you haven’t seen these finishes, they truly are the most inspirational. 

This year I had the honor to pace two runners to the finish. The first runner was Kana Yamamoto from Honolulu, Hawaii. I picked up Kana as she was running across No Hands Bridge

Now the first thing I do is get the runner cooled off by dousing them with ice cold water, then I see how they are doing. In every case, the runner’s hydration is off at this point in the race, mainly in terms of electrolyte balance. The combination of hydration and cooling gets them moving but it’s also a crucial trust building process. With that trust in place, I then have them take a Vespa Ultra-Concentrate and within 10 minutes they are either running the flats or power walking the hills . . . 

This year Kana rallied so after pacing her to the final “summit” on Robie Drive and, with less than a mile to go, I knew she was going to make it with time to spare so I turned around to go help another runner. Kana finished in 29:38 with the help of Vespa. 

Got my water bottles refilled with ice water at the Robie Point Aid Station, and just a quarter mile down the trail I picked up 53 year old Jennifer Shultis, who was struggling and behind the bubble. Again, same procedure; cool her off, hydrated and a Vespa Ultra-Concentrate.  Again, the same results . . . Jennifer rallied to finish and while Jennifer finished less than 2 minutes beyond the 30 Hour cutoff she went the distance for her finisher’s medal. 

Last year I picked up the dead last person on the course, Jill Cole. Same procedure. Same results. Jill rallied to actually pass 3 other runners in those last few miles . . . Vespa worked every time.

If you are new to Vespa we have a 4 pouch sampler for only $20. This includes shipping so you can experience and understand the value of Vespa to reach a new level of higher health and peak performance. 

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Vespa works every time. So don’t wait until you are riding the cutoff bubble to try Vespa. Try Vespa today to tap into YOUR limitless energy and remember this: WORKS. EVERY. TIME. 

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