FAMS – Consuming Fats & Oils


Getting more saturated fats back into the diet to power your OFM training and competitions is relatively easy and can be accomplished without having to adhere to a rigid protocol. In fact, most OFM athletes are amazed at how easy it is to maintain on a daily basis once they reach the “zen” of OFM.

Fresh Whole foods which are naturally high in saturated fats and monounsaturated fats are easily found in any supermarket and are generally easy to prepare in spite of the saturated fat phobia which has invaded the American psyche.

Fresh meat (including organ meats), poultry, and fish, egg yolks. Dairy: cream, sour cream, butter, whole milk yogurt, cheeses. Avoid low-fat or fat-free dairy and very lean cuts of meat unless you are adding fat back in.

Plant based:

Coconut oil, coconut milk. Coconut oil/milk is very high in saturated fats which are relatively quickly metabolized but are does not contain the fat soluble Vitamins A, K, E, D which are found in animal sources.

Animal Based:

Cured meats like bacon, salami, prosciutto, copa, pancetta, pate, liverwurst and Braunschweiger, foie gras, etc. are also great sources and tend to be less processed than hot dogs, SPAM, bologna etc. Along with cream, butter, and cheeses these fat sources can be very practical for lunches and snacks. Because these traditional cured meats do contain a small amount of preservatives it is recommended they compliment your intake of whole fresh meats rather than make up the bulk of your meat intake.

Most OFM athletes will find that as they “fat-adapt” they will drop snacking per se then begin to drop a full meal (or two) and replace it with a snack.

Typical OFM meals:

  • Coffee or Tea with heavy cream.
  • Whole Eggs with bacon, ham, sausage, steak
  • Avocado and cheese omelette

Many OFM athletes find a cup of coffee or tea with heavy cream (or butter or coconut oil) and a VESPA 30-45 minutes prior to a workout is all they need to sustain them for a prolonged hard morning workout.

The key to starting your OFM day (unless competing) is to keep the carb load to a minimum so your body sets off on a fat-burning day. This will not only help control appetite and energy levels but is an integral part of OFM metabolic training. So while a teaspoon of sugar or honey in coffee or tea with heavy cream is not going to affect the OFM athlete too much a large bowl of yogurt or oatmeal or potatoes with your eggs and bacon will set in motion the blood sugar rollercoaster and impact your potential to use “fat as fuel”.


Salad with meat/poutry/fish/hard-boiled egg, preferably using homemade dressing to avoid the soybean oil found in virtually all salad dressings.

Snack of salami with cheese.

Make Lunch your meal of the day with a meal-size portion of meat/poultry/fish, vegetable finished with butter or bacon fat etc. On most days avoid having a portion of starch like potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, bread, pasta etc. When including carbs always “sneak” them in under a blanket of fat.


OFM athletes should try to consume this meal as early as possible to enhance sleep and digestion. Each athlete needs to determine what works best for them and their situation.

Meal-size portion of fresh meat/poultry/fish, fresh vegetables finished with butter or bacon fat etc. This includes fruits one eats like a vegetable like avocadoes, tomatoes, etc. On most days avoid having a portion of starch like potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, bread, pasta etc. When including carbs always “sneak” them in under a blanket of fat.

Many OFM athletes will find they feel and perform better when their evening meal is a light one. This is especially true for the daily routine outside of competition.

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