Coach Mike- My BIG Why

While I have been an endurance athlete throughout my adult life and a coach for the past 16 years, what most people don't know about me was that I was that fat kid growing up. It got so bad that I was up to 330 pounds before I turned 18. In order to join the Navy I had to drop a lot of weight and I did it through a combination of a high volume of physical activity, mostly aerobic, combined with a whole foods diet consisting mainly of protein and vegetables. This was well before the concept of carbohydrate restriction was widely known through the Atkins Diet. 

After getting out of the Navy I kept my athleticism up through training and competing in a variety of endurance sports including competing at the Kona IronMan championships in the early days of long course triathlon.  So, I've seen it all and what I see concerns me; the ups and downs in energy levels, the GI issues along with the development of a multitude of health challenges as athletes age. 

Over 16 years ago, after a successful management level career with SC Johnson I started my second career as an endurance sports coach and bike fitter. It was through one of my coaching clients, Brian Johnson, that I was introduced to a product called Vespa and a program called OFM. The more I became familiar with the product and the approach of addressing the underlying metabolic health for performance the more this made sense to me. But, the proof is in the pudding. Brian was excelling on this program. 

In time Brian introduced me to Peter Defty and we began to converse and collaborate. This led me to joining the OFM Team. In my opinion OFM is, by far, the best approach to health and performance bar none.  I can say this as someone with the experiences of a lifetime spanning over 8 decades, from fat to fit and seeing a LOT of diets, exercise / training regimens and products come and go over that time. OFM is a sustainable way of life that allows you to live!

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