Add Metabolic Performance & Health To Your Coaching/Personal Training Practice

OFM helps your clients:
  • Achieve their goals & set new PR's
  • Eliminate GI Issues
  • Eliminate bonking in races and in all facets of life
  • Recover like they never thought possible
  • Reduce injuries
  • Slow or turn back the aging process
OFM helps you, the coach:
  • Streamlines and reduces the coaching workload
  • Provides tangible metrics of metabolic progress
  • Dramatically simplifies intricate and highly structured nutrition and fueling strategies 
  • Provides additional revenue streams through our affiliate programs


is the Key

The key to your potential! Achieving peak performance should enhance your health, not compromise it. The OFM Metabolic Reset & Adaptation Program focuses on building metabolic capacity at the cellular / mitochondrial level, the foundation of any athlete's health & performance potential.

OFM Solves Problems & Delivers RESULTS

You and your athletes can now experience consistent performance gains without energy ups & downs nor  GI issues, while eliminating hours of time spent resolving these issues and/or creating complex nutrition/fueling plans. Coaching simply gets a lot easier with OFM!

OFM is a comprehensive and individualized roadmap back to our native metabolic state to establish a metabolic foundation then build metabolic capacity  for the metabolic flexibility to harness fat, carbs and ketones fully and appropriately so you and your clients will achieve a state of "Higher Health & Peak Performance".

Incorporating OFM into your program is easy, gets results and brings unparalleled value to your clients. Our ground breaking data corroborates the winning, record breaking results and, most of all, the longevity our athletes consistently enjoy. Your clients will see similar progress via the INSCYD Metabolic Tests incorporated into the OFM Program.

Since the introduction of Vespa in 2000 we have continually developed performance-level fat metabolism by collaborating with athletes just like yours to help them reach new heights of health and performance.

Our testing ground is the real world of training and competition at the outer edges of human performance in order to continually develop a systematic yet individualized approach to guide athletes toward reaching Higher Health & Peak Performance.

The OFM Journey Has Three Phases

Metabolic Reset

A 28 Day video and information course designed to reset the athlete's metabolism back to its natural state of metabolizing fat as the primary aerobic energy source and prepare them to start building their metabolic capacity via the Adaptation Phase of OFM.


The Adaptation Phase focuses on building Metabolic Capacity for the health & performance gains experienced by OFM Athletes. By building Metabolic Capacity athletes gain the metabolic flexibility/efficiency and carbohydrate tolerance for the superior performance gains but, most of all, to make OFM a sustainable and enjoyable way of Life. 


Once 'Adapted' the athlete segues to a dynamic journey of continued learning and tweaking to further refine their individual OFM Journey using the OFM Portal, Facebook groups and monthly meetings. The OFM Portal gives athletes the support needed to continue to build and maintain their metabolic capacity to reach their health & performance potential.

Your athletes are never alone in their metabolic health & performance journey because you and your clients have support of our team and community members when they have questions or need advice. As a part of the OFM Experience, athletes are invited to collaborate in an active Facebook community where like-minded, health-conscious athletes and non-athletes share their experiences and knowledge. This is a private group moderated by OFM coaches. In addition, our Team is available for guidance and consultations. Most of our support is at no cost and built into our coaching support, however, we also offer individualized, paid consulting on an as needed basis. 

Furthermore, we are constantly innovating and updating the program to reflect the newest developments in metabolic health & performance.

We work closely with you, the coach, to deliver results to your clients.

Three Options For Your Athletes

OFM leverages your coaching so you can continue to do what you do best, provide your athletes with individualized guidance. The OFM Learning platform guides your athlete through every step of the process to establish and build their foundational physiology. This allows them to burn fat as their principal aerobic energy source, providing the metabolic flexibility to reach their highest performance potential.

Your athletes can choose from the following programs:

Metabolic Reset

  • Access to the Metabolic Reset online learning - lifetime access
  • Daily / Weekly assignments via email
  • Supplemntation guide
  • Access to our private Facebook community for support
  • Portal access for two months

Metabolic Reset + Adaptation

  • Access to the Metabolic Reset online learning - lifetime access
  • Access to the Adaptation online learning - lifetime access
  • Daily / Weekly assignments via email
  • Supplemntation guide
  • Baseline plus 2 comprehensive metabolic tests & evaluations via INSCYD to track and verify progress 
  • Access to our private Facebook community for support
  • Portal access for 6 months
  • Monthly portal group meetings for 6 months

Metabolic Reset + Adaptation + Portal

  • Access to the Metabolic Reset online learning - lifetime access
  • Access to the Adaptation online learning - lifetime access
  • Daily / Weekly assignments
  • Supplemntation guide
  • Baseline plus 3 comprehensive metabolic tests & evaluations via INSCYD to track and verify progress
  • Access to our private Facebook community for support
  • Portal access for 12 months
  • Monthly portal group meetings for 12 months

Measure Your Clients Progress With INSCYD Testing

Some of our programs include comprehensive metabolic testing by INSCYD to track your clients progress and refine their journey to peak performance and health potential.

With just one test, they get VO2max, VLamax, FatMax, carbohydrate and fat combustion rates, lactate accumulation, and more.

  • Comprehensive understanding of performance limitations
  • Detailed insights into individual physiological capabilities
  • Quantify possible improvements based on specific training adaptations

How We Work With You

You provide your athletes with a customized link to our programs, and we do the rest. Our programs are easy to access, self-paced, and DIY. Your clients are supported through our platform and team of experts throughout their journey to better health. You will be able to provide another valuable service to your clients without having to become an expert in a new area or gaining another certification. Most of all, your clients will get results they can both experience intuitively and quantify their progress via the INSCYD Metabolic Testing & Evaluations. 

Through our coach affiliate program we share the revenue with you so you can increase your revenue stream while enhancing your overall service/value offering.

Find out if we're a good fit

Get in touch with us today to find out how our services can enhance your coaching plans and to understand what the potential revenue opportunities are for your business.

What our athletes are saying

Jessica Rohlman - used Vespa as fuel to deal with Gluten intolerance - now kicking PB's and is in the best shape

See Jeff's story from Carb Loading to Diabetes to Keto to Fat Adaptation, how he feels 20 years younger and his performance had improved.

[ESTONIA] Aet Kiisla, a University Professor and Ultra-runner who discusses her journey from Carb loading to Low Carb, and then Fat adaptation to VESPA +Fat Adaptation.

We Are Pioneers in Metabolic Health & Performance

Peter is one of the pioneers in fat adaptation for performance. While the metabolic health benefits of Low Carb and/or Keto are well documented they come with a downside . . . a notable impairment of athletic performance which prevents you from reaching your health and performance potential.

OFM solves all this.

Even though the adverse effects of high carb/sugar intake is becoming obvious, restricting carbohydrates was considered heresy 22 years ago. Like any true innovator Peter was roundly ridiculed and dismissed by the "experts" even though athletes were consistently winning and setting Course Records at many of the most prestigious ultra-endurance competitions utilizing the OFM approach and VESPA.

In 2010  Doctors Stephen Phinney, MD / PhD and Jeff Volek RD / PhD , two of the World's leading researchers in Ketogenic Diets, took notice and made a point to discuss Peter's work in "The Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance" as well as use his pool of  OFM athletes for the ground-breaking "FASTER" study. Peter's work goes "Beyond Keto", and so will you by experiencing OFM!

How do my clients access the material?

We provide you with an affiliate link your client uses to sign up for the program. Once they register with this link they have access to the materials in our course through our platform. There is nothing for you to setup or maintain.

I am worried about eliminating carbs

Need external carbs? . . . for survival, technically no, however, for that extra 'performance push' external carbohydrates are the 'go-to' and why OFM recommends them be used 'strategically' in the diet and fueling. What separates OFM from Keto and Low Carb is once we get the athlete metabolically shifted to burning fat as fuel and build their aerobic capacity & threshold along with their Metabolic Capacity Carbs are brought back in 'Strategically' to provide that quick burning energy on top of a massive aerobic fat burning base. Through optimizing fat metabolism for performance and health the body can produce and metabolize all 3 principle energy substrates; fat, ketones and glucose in an efficient and evolutionarily appropriate manner. Through this optimization the liver synthesizes glucose and ketones from fat to meet the metabolic need. This dramatically reduces the dependence upon external calories so they provide the 'performance push' while minimizing the cellular damage of too much sugar consumption.

Does OFM cause Ketoacidosis?

No. Ketoacidosis is a rare and dangerous medical condition that mainly occurs in people with Type 1 Diabetes if they are ill. By building Metabolic Capacity OFM will have you in in and out of a state of nutritional ketosis without having to adhere to a Keto Diet. When OFM Adapted Ketosis is a safe and natural metabolic state which confers superior cognitive function and brain and neural health.

Will this affect my exercise and energy levels?

During the first couple of weeks when you are switching from a compromised physiology dependent upon external carbohydrates via the OFM Metabolic Reset (MR) your ability to train will most likely be reduced. After completing the MR most OFM participants are able to return to a normal training or exercise levels. They should note sustained energy , enhanced focus and improved recovery, however, at this point many lose or do not experience the explosive power they expect for performance. This is developed in the Adaptation Phase where we develop both power and stamina through the building of Metabolic Capacity.

Will this protocol leave me nutrient deficient?

NO! OFM actually devotes the 2nd Tier of the OFM Pyramid to 'Nutrition NOT Calories' to address this issue. You will learn how to replace the junk, nutritionally empty and inflammatory foods currently in your diet with nutritious foods to achieve dietary/nutritional balance. And while it is theoretically possible to get all your nutrition from food the reality is most people do not have a lifestyle which facilitates the balanced nutrition of OFM or won't consume certain foods like liver, collagen rich foods, etc. To cover these gaps we've developed the OFM supplementation protocols. We don't recommend a plethora of confusing supplements, only the one you need to fill in the gaps so you can perform optimally.  .
